~ We got to speak with Brian on Christmas. He sounds wonderful. He kept throwing in Spanish words, and bore his testimony in Spanish. It sounded good to me. He is loving it and enjoys the work and people. He said that their schedule is different than most missions. They get up at 7:00, they exercise and have personal study. They leave the apartment at 10:00 and return at siesta time around 2:00. They then go back out at 3:30 and stay out until 10:00 at night. The Spanish people are up late into the evening. He just kept saying how much he loves it. He said that he is sending the disk from his camera. So hopefully I will have pictures to add soon.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
December 14
9:42 AM
~ The people always have bread in on hand, and they use it to eat, it´s funny. So the people park their cars on the side walk all the time. We went to the mission home this past week to do residency. We stayed in the home over night and ate hamburgers and brownies, it was great, we got to see my old comp. Elder Anderson, he´s doing great, they have 4 baptism dates coming up. Elder solari has one coming up too! I love you all sooooo much! Everything is great, life is such a good thing.
December 7
9:37 AM
~ So we got our picture in the newspaper, and a big article, two full pages, and it was all positive too, which was awesome, and it was the most read article online for the week, some people have been really interested it´s awesome. So we went to the guys house where we got the snails from again two days ago, and he had his mom make snails for us, the real way, and they were honestly soooooo good, I couldn´t believe it haha. His mom made shark for us and it was the best fish I´ve ever had haha. so here´s a list of things I wanted to tell you. The Spaniards honestly love futbol, they´re seriously crazy with it. The world cup over here is going to be so awesome. There´s castles arabic and huge cathedrals it´s awesome. They write their 1´s like 7´s and their A´s like triangles. The red peppers here are sweet like fruit, I love them. We have a medio dia every day from 2-4:30. The churros with chocolate are sooooo good. The people are sooooooooo animated, they use their hands to talk and so many facial expressions, I wanna learn to talk the same. I love you all!!!!
November 30
9:23 AM
~ This Thanksgiving was rejuvinating, I need to always be extremely thankful, I´m really trying to have an attitude of gratitude. So I´ve bought a lot of frozen corn and peas and brussle sprouts, they have skim milk too! (I was worried about that) they have this turkey that´s cheap and really good, great protein. They have these two different cereals I buy that are really fiberfull and good, I buy bannanas and organges and whatever other fruit and veggies look good, their beans and lentils are really cheap, I love beans! I mix them with every thing. The ham was awesome, it was a more expensive one, but now we´re gunna try the ones that are a lot cheaper to see the difference. The ladies have cooked us fillets of pork, really good potato salad, different garbanzo bean, and other bean soups, they´re really nice. We are all hooked on the bread! haha we pour out the olive oil and then mix in salt and pepper and garlic powder and oregano and then some really good jerezano balsamic vinegar... we all sit around and dip the bread it, it´s really good haha.
So I cut my own hair for the first time with clippers that my comp has, and surprisingly it´s not terrible, I cut the sides and back top short and the middle top longer and the front top longest, it´s the shortest it´s ever been, but I really like it, it´s easier to deal with. the I had my fist interview with the president, he´s so relaxed, I always thought the mission president would be uptight for some reason but he´s really nice. Driving here would be nuts, there´s so many one way streets, the streets are all really narrow, there´s no where to park, and there´s motos (miniature motorcycles everywhere). These motos are so dangerous, they wear helmets but almost never buckle the strap, and then there´s usually two people on one moto and the roads are so bumpy, I really don´t want to see someone crazy on one of those but I really think i´m going to at some point. The people when they parallel park have no problem bumping into the other cars, I´ve seen it happen over and over again.
The sides of the major streets have these orange trees that make oranges that you can´t eat, I´ve tried them haha and they are really sour. So here in Andalucia our schedule is a little different than other missions cause we don´t wake up till 7 but we are on the street until 10pm. In the morning when we walk through the city center there´s this spot where all these farmers bring there stuff to sell, and there´s big bags of olives and clams and snails and herbs and other random roots, and I´ve always wanted to try the snails... so we were helping this investigator at his house helping him clear out his back yard that was full of junk, and there were soooo many snails everywhere, and I asked the guy if they were edible and he said they were and so we took some home and this one lady we talked to said you had to let them fast for 24 hours to get all the crap out of them, but I didn´t want to wait so we rinsed them off a bunch, and then boiled them and I but salt and garlic on one and I bit the one part and pulled it out of it´s shell, and it was gross and all crunchy cause we didn´t let them fast, but now I think that when I have them actually done right it´ll be enjoyable instead of scary. haha!
So we think that our picture was put in the newspaper yesterday (sunday) so we´re going to try and find a copy, maybe you could see it online, the newspaper company is Diario de Jerez, maybe it´s on there, but we´re going to try and find a copy. The lady interviewed the bishop, and it went really well, i think people will be able to see that we really are normal ...
The link to the article is:diariodejerez.es/article/jerez/575562/soy/mormon.html
So I cut my own hair for the first time with clippers that my comp has, and surprisingly it´s not terrible, I cut the sides and back top short and the middle top longer and the front top longest, it´s the shortest it´s ever been, but I really like it, it´s easier to deal with. the I had my fist interview with the president, he´s so relaxed, I always thought the mission president would be uptight for some reason but he´s really nice. Driving here would be nuts, there´s so many one way streets, the streets are all really narrow, there´s no where to park, and there´s motos (miniature motorcycles everywhere). These motos are so dangerous, they wear helmets but almost never buckle the strap, and then there´s usually two people on one moto and the roads are so bumpy, I really don´t want to see someone crazy on one of those but I really think i´m going to at some point. The people when they parallel park have no problem bumping into the other cars, I´ve seen it happen over and over again.
The sides of the major streets have these orange trees that make oranges that you can´t eat, I´ve tried them haha and they are really sour. So here in Andalucia our schedule is a little different than other missions cause we don´t wake up till 7 but we are on the street until 10pm. In the morning when we walk through the city center there´s this spot where all these farmers bring there stuff to sell, and there´s big bags of olives and clams and snails and herbs and other random roots, and I´ve always wanted to try the snails... so we were helping this investigator at his house helping him clear out his back yard that was full of junk, and there were soooo many snails everywhere, and I asked the guy if they were edible and he said they were and so we took some home and this one lady we talked to said you had to let them fast for 24 hours to get all the crap out of them, but I didn´t want to wait so we rinsed them off a bunch, and then boiled them and I but salt and garlic on one and I bit the one part and pulled it out of it´s shell, and it was gross and all crunchy cause we didn´t let them fast, but now I think that when I have them actually done right it´ll be enjoyable instead of scary. haha!
So we think that our picture was put in the newspaper yesterday (sunday) so we´re going to try and find a copy, maybe you could see it online, the newspaper company is Diario de Jerez, maybe it´s on there, but we´re going to try and find a copy. The lady interviewed the bishop, and it went really well, i think people will be able to see that we really are normal ...
The link to the article is:diariodejerez.es/article/jerez/575562/soy/mormon.html
Sunday, November 29, 2009
1st Thanksgiving in Spain
6:42 PM
~ So Wednesday we searched everywhere to find a pavo entero (whole turkey) and we finally found one, we saved our p-day for today and went to Cadiz and met at the stake center there with our whole zone. None of us knew how to cook a turkey, but we did it, it´s amazing how good everything turned out. I happend to bring that meat thermometer you bought me, and we set the oven at 185 degrees celsius cause we guessed that that would be good, and then three and a half hours later checked it and the temp was perfect. We made the biggest batch of mashed potatoes I´ve ever seen and a bunch of corn and brownies, and it was awesome. There were 16 missionaries and we didn´t eat half the food we made. I got to play ping pong for a lot of the day, it was a great thanksgiving, once again I´m surrounded by great people. We didn´t have sweet potatoes, that´s all we were missing, The city is cool there´s an area that is really old in the middle with cobble stone everywhere. There´s big wine houses that smell so bad. There are statues everywhere, and huge cathedrals. It´s starting to get colder. We have investigators, but only 2 really solid ones, we are looking everyday and getting the word out. The Jerez newspaper interviewed our bishop at the chapel, and we were there with them and we took pictures in front of the chapel so if they put it in the paper I´ll clip it out and send it to you. Every Friday we go to this place that collects clothes for people in Africa and South America, and they make a mountain literally, a mountain of bags. I get up in the big truck and we pack it full and it´s crazy, by the end we´re drowning in bags of clothes, it´s awesome. The members are so nice, our ward is small, but the ladys make us food and it´s awesome. My feet have some knarly blisters but I couldn´t have chosen better shoes, really it´s not the shoes it´s just how much we walk, they´re starting to turn into calluses so it´s all good. it´s different learning the accent here, they say yo me llama different ( there y´s and the ll´s make them sound like they´re from argentina it´s like an sh sound) and mucha ( ch is more like a sh sound too over here) I´m learning more and more.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Zone Conference
7:12 PM
~ Zone conference was great, all the missionaries seem like they want to be here, and President Mellor is awesome. It´s true that all people can say is yes or no, in the MTC someone said that we are participating in free agency every day on our missions, we give them the choice, and then they make their decision. Everyday is an adventure, we talk to such cool people everyday, it´s awesome. We just keep looking everyday for people who are ready, tons of people say "tengo prisa" (i´m in a hurry) but then there´s a lot that will stop and come really close and talk with us for a half hour. There´s such interesting people here, but at the same time such worldly people. There´s a bunch of borrachos(drunks) and bars on every corner. It´s still not that cold here, but they say it should get colder soon. It´s amazing how many people haven´t hear about the book of mormon, and so many people confuse us with the testigos de jehova(jehovas witnesses) we're definitely getting the word out. My companion and I have gone up to a number of groups of teenagers and talked to them, and its awesome to see their view of us change in one conversation. Enjoy the Thanksgiving turkey!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Jerez de la Frontera
5:10 PM
~ c/ mérito N 2, blq 1 1-c
Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz
That´s my address, my companion is amazing!!! I have trouble understanding why me why am I so blessed. He´s from switzerland and he speaks german, but he speaks like a native in both english and spanish. He was the A.P. to the president for like 7 transfers(months, and then he came here to Jerez. We walk so much, and I absolutely love it. The south of Spain is beautiful,compared to Madrid it´s amazing. There´s so many colors, and the air is so fresh. We traveled by train to Jerez and there were miles and miles of olive trees. It is awesome. Our trainers are amazing, Elder Solari's companion is our district leader, and they are here to serve the lord. The ward is awesome everyone is so nice and I´m learning so much spanish it´s crazy, everyone keeps telling Elder Solari and I that we speak and understand a ton already, and I really feel like I am understanding a bunch of what they say. In the MTC we had hear that in the province of Cadiz, the people speak the fastest, and with the strongest accent, so when we were guessing where our first area was going to be I said that I wanted to go to Cadiz were they speak crazy, cause if I learn there first, everywhere else will be easy, and sure enough here I am. They leave off letters and really do speak so fast, but I´m catching on. Yesterday, Monday was our p-day but we couldn´t email cause our zone went to the Rock of Gibraltar for the day. It was way fun, It´s owned by Britain for some reazon, and yeah there´s this big mountain which is the Rock of Gibraltar, and there´s monkeys that live on it, and they´re crazy. So yeah this is amazing, our apartment is tiny tiny, but it´s awesome because the 4 elders in it are great. I feel so safe, and yeah, one thing that stinks is that everyone thinks we´re Jehovas Witnesses, but it´s amazing to see their view of us change once they hear more about us. We are buying a pata de jamon today!!! (a leg of ham) I´m honestly so excited to buy one, we found out the best kind to get, and my companero says it should last for like 2 months between all 4 of us. We´re getting an iberico pata. There´s serrano, patata negra, and iberico. They´re are three different kinds of pigs, and they feed them different stuff that makes the meat better haha! So we heard iberico is the best so we´re gunna try it. I seriously love it here! I´m so happy I have a walking mission, It´s such good exercise and low impact haha!
Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz
That´s my address, my companion is amazing!!! I have trouble understanding why me why am I so blessed. He´s from switzerland and he speaks german, but he speaks like a native in both english and spanish. He was the A.P. to the president for like 7 transfers(months, and then he came here to Jerez. We walk so much, and I absolutely love it. The south of Spain is beautiful,compared to Madrid it´s amazing. There´s so many colors, and the air is so fresh. We traveled by train to Jerez and there were miles and miles of olive trees. It is awesome. Our trainers are amazing, Elder Solari's companion is our district leader, and they are here to serve the lord. The ward is awesome everyone is so nice and I´m learning so much spanish it´s crazy, everyone keeps telling Elder Solari and I that we speak and understand a ton already, and I really feel like I am understanding a bunch of what they say. In the MTC we had hear that in the province of Cadiz, the people speak the fastest, and with the strongest accent, so when we were guessing where our first area was going to be I said that I wanted to go to Cadiz were they speak crazy, cause if I learn there first, everywhere else will be easy, and sure enough here I am. They leave off letters and really do speak so fast, but I´m catching on. Yesterday, Monday was our p-day but we couldn´t email cause our zone went to the Rock of Gibraltar for the day. It was way fun, It´s owned by Britain for some reazon, and yeah there´s this big mountain which is the Rock of Gibraltar, and there´s monkeys that live on it, and they´re crazy. So yeah this is amazing, our apartment is tiny tiny, but it´s awesome because the 4 elders in it are great. I feel so safe, and yeah, one thing that stinks is that everyone thinks we´re Jehovas Witnesses, but it´s amazing to see their view of us change once they hear more about us. We are buying a pata de jamon today!!! (a leg of ham) I´m honestly so excited to buy one, we found out the best kind to get, and my companero says it should last for like 2 months between all 4 of us. We´re getting an iberico pata. There´s serrano, patata negra, and iberico. They´re are three different kinds of pigs, and they feed them different stuff that makes the meat better haha! So we heard iberico is the best so we´re gunna try it. I seriously love it here! I´m so happy I have a walking mission, It´s such good exercise and low impact haha!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Last week in the Spain MTC
6:05 PM
~ "It´s been such a good 6 weeks, it´s going to be sad leaving all these awesome people here. I am going to miss my companion so much, he´s been amazing. He´s basically fluent, and it´s going to be great to see the success he receives. I´ll email you from malaga!!!!!!" Brian travels to his mission field on Tuesday 27th of October.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Learning to feel the spirit
9:09 PM
~ It´s awesome being here, it´s so much fun! The best times in my life are when I´m doing something all day everyday, I´m loving the schedule, up at 6:15 and learning till 10:30. Good habits are so powerful! Preach my gospel is so great, we really try to teach to the investigators needs, and I love it. It´s easier to help someone when you know exactly what they need. We work a lot on asking the right questions and getting the people thinking, it´s so much fun! We watched a talk by elder Bednar about knowing what the spirit feels like and it was great, because he simply said don´t worry about it. he shared three different times where he made a decisions that at the time he thought they were just his own thoughts, but afterwards looking back and seeing what had happened he realized it was what the spirit had wanted him to do. He said all that we need to do is try our best to be good boys and girls. It´s taken away all the doubts and second guesses I had with my choices, as long as I´m trying my best the spirit will be with me, it was so reasuring to hear an apostle say that some of his choices that did turn out to be the spirit, he at first was unsure if it was just him thinking it. The spirit works with us, and it´s awesome. My companion and I don´t really prepare for our teaching practices, we like to just begin them and ask questions and go with the spirit, and if we begin something that feels and seems important for the situation we will stay and go deeper with it. We taught our president here and he told us that we shouldn't feel like we need to get to every point in the lesson, instead we should find what is most important to them and stay with that. It´s great, this church is great the people only want to help and lift those around them.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday at Sabados en Retiro Parque
7:54 PM
This is a picture of Brian in the park in Madrid. They go there every Saturday. His letter said this: "I was paired with an elder Roos when we went to the park this last Saturday and we both didn´t know much Spanish but we were able to talk to a lot of people, they kept asking us if we were brothers and it was an easy way to explain to them that we´re all brothers and sisters of God, it was great. Spain is crazy but I love it. The food is very good, the cooks we have prepare the best food. We eat a lot of meat and it´s the best. They prepare a lot of seafood and I like it more and more, the same with the Serrano ham, the soup is amazing also. All the food has a different taste than in the U.S. but it´s good. I know it´s crazy for me to be in church clothes all day but it´s awesome! I get to learn all day every day about how to help the children of God it´s amazing."
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Spain MTC
7:39 PM
- We went to this gigantic park on saturday that people say is like central park in new york, and we talk to people about the gospel, it´s such a good way to learn, we go there every saturday. This last time I was with one of my roomates that´s a native and he was so good with the people. Some people would love to talk to us and are very nice, but some people would wave their finger at us and stomp off. Every person here in the MTC is amazing, they help me a lot, The natives are awesome! I love Heavenly Father and I know He loves me more. I want to help everyone I can. Every day for an hour we get to play soccer with the nativos! it´s so fun we play in a park that has two fixed goals and it´s a court not grass, it´s so much fun the natives can´t believe I can play so good, I almost had a hat trick yesterday, its fun. Right next to the soccer court are ping pong tables!!! and my companion is good so we play that too.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
12:34 PM
- This is the email that we received this morning from Brian. "so i´m officially in spain and it´s awesome! this mtc is amazing, everything is really new, and there are a total of 14 missionaries here, and we all came in today so yeah it´s awesome, my companion and I are really trying to only speak espanol, and there are 7 elders who are all natives here so we´re just gunn speak as much spanish as we can and we´ll be flowing before not time, spain spanish sound so awesome!!! I want to be fluent so bad!!! so this is the last thing you´re getting from me that´ll be in english, I´m sorry but it must be done, in a couple months the letters will be just as detailed, they´ll just be in a different language haha!"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Surprise Phone Call
4:41 PM
- Today, Curt and I each got a surprise phone call from Brian. He was in Atlanta Georgia on a 4 hour lay over. The next stop is Madrid Spain. He was very excited, and greatful for all of his blessings. So if you write be sure and use his Madrid Spain MTC address. Elder Brian Ross, Spain MTC, 4a Planta, Calle del Templo # 2, Madrid, 28030 Alicante, Spain. He said that he dropped a letter in the mail with his SC photo disc in it so I will post pictures as soon as I get them.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Leaving the country !!!!
8:28 PM

We got a letter today from Brian, the last sentence was: "So the visas for Spain are all good for next week, so I'm leavin the country in 5 days!" He will fly out on Wednesday for the Spain Madrid MTC. Some of his other comments are: " We're learning how to be productive with every minute we have and I love it." " The MTC is awesome, my companion is awesome!! Expanol is awesome!! this church is Awesome !!! it's the best feeling in the world to know that I am in the right place, there's no doubt of what I should be doing with my time."
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Smith Field House Stairs
8:41 PM
He wanted his picture taken here to symbolize the beginning of his mission and the many steps that he would have to take. He said that when he got home he wanted a picture at the top of the stairs to symbolize that he completed the climb. His P-Day is on Fridays, so we waited by the computer hoping to get an email. Especially since he could possibly fly out on Tuesday the 15th for the Spain, Madrid MTC. So an e-mail finally came, here is what it said: " so my 30 minutes of email is almost out i checked to see if my visa was in today but they said" What did they say??? What did they say??? I wanted to reach through the computer and smack Brian up side the head. Hello, he should email his mom and dad first. So it is a mystery if he is flying out on Tuesday or not.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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