~ We got to watch almost all of conference, but we had to leave halfway through the second sessiones of both saturday and sunday to get home on time. All the talks I heard were super good. It´s cool to see how in the MTC in Madrid I watched general conference in spanish cause I wanted to see how much I could understand, and I did understand a lot but in comparison to now I understand a lot more. I really liked when the Prophet talked about Alice and the chesser cat and how when we have tough decisions in our lives we should ask ourselves, where do I want to go. That is going to help me a lot I think. Also they talked a lot about how coupled with every temptation there is a way out. That is reassuring to hear as well, I know that there are thousands of people who are going to benefit from the council that we recieved this general conference. I swear that i´m just now beginning to realize that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet just like moses or alma that is a live right now to guide us. It is indeed a blessing. Thanks for sending me shoes, I really won´t need them for some time more. I´m not going to wear them until these shoes are almost destroyed I think. Then like you said when I get home i´ll have a new pair of shoes, so that´ll be perfect. Everything is going great. we are energized for the work now. We went to the Island of Lanzarote on Monday for splits and we got back yesterday afternoon. It´s such a cool experience being here and visiting other islands and working with other missionaries. We have an awesome zone. One of the elder´s in Lanzarote is Spanish and is from Barcelona. We were in the same room in the MTC in Madrid but he went to the mission of Bilboa and I went to malaga. Then we got moved to the mission of Madrid and we were on splits together in a desert island. Who would of thought. It was funny because in the MTC I didn´t understand him very much at all and he couldn´t understand me but we got along because we love fútbol, but now we understand each other perfectly and it was cool to see him and talk to him. He´s a great missionary, and he knows so much about the scriptures, and he uses them so well. He has motivated me to keep studying hard. So everythings good. Thanks for everything, I love you guys. Tell Danny I said what up, and ask him to check his email too.
hasta luego
elder ross