Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 7

~ So we got our picture in the newspaper, and a big article, two full pages, and it was all positive too, which was awesome, and it was the most read article online for the week, some people have been really interested it´s awesome. So we went to the guys house where we got the snails from again two days ago, and he had his mom make snails for us, the real way, and they were honestly soooooo good, I couldn´t believe it haha. His mom made shark for us and it was the best fish I´ve ever had haha. so here´s a list of things I wanted to tell you. The Spaniards honestly love futbol, they´re seriously crazy with it. The world cup over here is going to be so awesome. There´s castles arabic and huge cathedrals it´s awesome. They write their 1´s like 7´s and their A´s like triangles. The red peppers here are sweet like fruit, I love them. We have a medio dia every day from 2-4:30. The churros with chocolate are sooooo good. The people are sooooooooo animated, they use their hands to talk and so many facial expressions, I wanna learn to talk the same. I love you all!!!!