Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010

~ We just played soccer almost all day today for p-day, of course I scored the most goals haha, I think next week we´re at least going to the driving range to hit golf balls if not to actually go play!!! I can´t wait, my comp has never been, so we´re going to start him off right. He only has two more p-days! It´s crazy thinking of it, I can´t believe he´s not going to be around. It´s going to be interesting to see what changes happen here in Jerez, eventually it´s going to be reduced down to two missionaries, so it may be at the end of this transfer. So I forgot to tell you but I bought some futbol sala (soccer played on small cement courts) shoes. Futbol sala is super fun. So yeah everything is great, I bore my testimony in church two days ago and the whole ward was laughing by the end of it, they´re such good people, it´s seriously going to be sad when I leave. We set our first baptism date last week! It is this lady from Romania that we´ve been teaching for a few months she is ready to be baptised, she´s been coming to church faithfully, and elder Lauener is going to baptise her on the very last sunday of his mission, he wanted to have a baptism so bad with me, and I wanted him to have one sooo bad too before he left. it´s pretty solid, she still needs to be interviewed, but I think everything will be good, so yeah the church is so true! We gotta use our precious sacred time God has given us wisely!!