Wednesday, February 16, 2011

January 19, 2011

~ Things are great! Something that Elder Caussé taught us was that there is a greater joy that comes when we are instruments in the Lords hands in comparison to the joy we receive when we achieve something on our own or for ourselves. It´s so true. It´s awesome to be with Elder Kap and see him work as a consecrated servant of the Lord and to also see the blessings that come to those who are dedicated and obedient. We are going to baptize a kid from paraguay on Monday, and he´s another amazingly humble and super prepared Lamanite decendent who´s listening to the voice of the Good Sheperd. He´s 27, and it´s been so cool to teach him and watch him grow. He´ll be a great member, when he talked to his mom who is in paraguay she told him not to get mixed up with the mormons, and he told us that he sees that as just one of the trials that comes when we decide to follow the Savior. We´re super excited for his baptism. And then we taught another couple who are from Paraguay. He is a member but she isn´t, but the missionaries have already taught her all the lessons, but she couldn´t get baptised because she worked every sunday but now her schedule has changed, and she wants to get baptized a.s.a.p. and so we set a date for the 6 of February. it´s awesome to see the work of other missionaries, who left not knowing what would come of their labors, bring forth fruits. she is also super humble and super prepared. So everything is going great, I´m trying not to make fun of my comp, too much, about him going home in 33 days but sometimes I just can´t help it haha. That so awesome Jimmer Ferdett is Rippin it hard for the Y. I wish I could see him play, you gotta record some of their games. Anyways everythings good, thanks for everything, I´ll probably get the letter this week, and i´m going to send you a letter with pictures, send me the address of Jake Elison!
elder ross