Monday, May 31, 2010

May 24, 2010

~ The weeks are going by like days it seems like. For the past weeks they have been making a new sacrament room in the church, and this was the first time we got to use it. In my first area and here also sacrament isn´t as reverant, and some of the members get kinda mad at the others, but there´s a lot of kids, and they ususally don´t take them out. But now they have put a speaker out in the hall so the parents can take their kids out and still listen, so maybe that will help. It´s also hard cause the microphone isn´t as loud, so whenever I talk I try and speak right into it to make it louder. Everythings good, it´s just hard here because there´s so many people from different backgrounds who weren´t raised in the church, and I guess people get offended easily. I haven´t heard or seen anything specific but there are a ton of inactive members. We have activated one lady though who hadn´t been to church for five years, so that´s good I guess. She taught us how to make croquetas, and they´re really good. We also learned how to make mojo (the j makes and h sound in spanish) and alioli. Mojo is a popular sauce from the canary islands and alioli is like homeade garlic mayonaise, and they're both really good.
It´s been good with Elder Wardell, we have learned a lot, and it seems like we´ve both grown stronger as missionaries. Last night a guy told us we were angels and that we couldn´t know how much he needed the messange that we gave him. It was cool because earlier elder wardell was talking to his wife and playing their guitar, and I was talking to him, and he told me how his work is really stressfull because it´s so competetive, and his boss told him that for the same salary he could be replaced by an engineer with a high degree and everything, so his work has been tough. He told that to me, but Elder Wardell didn´t even hear him say that, and then when we were going to share a scripture, Elder Wardell decided to open up to Ether 12 and read where it says that our testimonies are made sure only after the testing of our faith. We didn´t decide on reading that before hand or anything. It was good to see him receive strength from the Lord in that moment.
So we got the tansfer calls saturday night, and my comp is going up to Granada and there´s a new american elder (Elder Slack) coming down from the Madrid MTC this Wednesday. President called me Saturday and told me I would be training, and he sounded pretty confident that I could do it, so I´m just going to trust his judgement and do my best. so I´ll let you know how it goes, it´s going to be an adventure that´s for sure, thanks for everything!