Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011

~ Hey, I really liked the story you sent me last week about the mound of gold flakes that the wise man had collected over time. It is something that I´ve been thinking of these past months. Ever since I started practicing golf it´s been a topic that´s fascinated me, and these past months I´ve been realizing just how powerful is diligence, and just how powerful are the good habits that we create. If we do a little bit everyday it´s amazing what we can accomplish. The mission has made me love reading and studying the gospel. It is such an interesting topic. I wan´t to study the gospel everyday of my life. I´m starting to understand what Nephi meant when he said that his heart pondereth continualy upon the things of the Lord. The scriptures are awesome. One of my old MTC teachers teaches sunday school and sometimes preisthood on sundays, and this sunday he said that the spirit is like the refiners fire, that purifies us, and as we search diligently to have him in our lives more often he will purify us and will take away our impurities. The spirit will take away our desire to sin, and purify us from all wrong tendencies. I know that´s true, and I know that when i´m striving everyday and every minute to have the Holy Ghost in my heart I want nothing more than to do good, and to help those around me. Being diligent and constant is hard but you just got to make up your mind and do it. Like two weeks ago I found a scripture that basically explains this and I thought it was cool, it´s in alma 13: 26-28 or something like that, it´s towards the end of the chapter. It talks about praying always and then it says that the more that we have the spirit, the more it will make us humble and meek and submissive The same teacher at the very end of sunday school recited to us the first vision, I can honestly say that I know that God the Father and Jesus, the creators of the universe appeared to Joseph Smith and talk with him.
We found a family of five from Ecuador that are golden. We think they all might be baptized besides the baby. Everything´s going great, it´s been lame cause we´ve had bad allergies the last month and a half, but I think they´re almost over. I have Zyrtech and claritin that someone left here, and I take them but they don´t help as much as they did when I used to take them in the states but it´s all good, I´m feeling way better than I did two weeks ago. Thanks for giving me this oportunity to escape from the world to know the One True God.
elder ross