Friday, January 14, 2011

January 5, 2011

~ Hey, we made the root beer and used it to make rootbeer floats and they were way good. I just eye balled it cause I didn´t have anything to measure the ingredients, but it turned out good. We still are planning on baptizing Cristian this saturday, so my first three baptisms are three boys under 18 yrs old. I always thought earlier on in the mission that it would be awesome to baptize younger people cause it would have the greatest impact on their lives and on the lives of those around them, for a long time. I´m pretty sure I´m staying here at least one more transfer but we don´t know yet. I hope I stay. The people here are awesome, Elder Kap is teaching me a lot and it would be awesome to be with him for his last transfer. We are going to work like crazy this transfer. I got the packages and they were awesome, the Horitos sent me crunch berries and fruit roll-ups and pringles and they are so good. Thanks for the christmas tree and the beef jerky and the sun flower seeds, and the books. I´ve always loved teaching lessons with visual aids but the only ones I´ve know have been ones that other missionaries have taught me, but now with the missionary aid book I´m set for some awesome lessons. I love the book by Elder Holland, it is soooooo good seriously. Thanks for the package. Today is Kings Day so everything is closed and we are using the computer in the church and we both have to use the same computer and we don´t have much times so I gotta go but thanks for everything you guys are the best.
elder ross