Monday, August 16, 2010

Aug 2nd 2010 - Getting Transferred

~ yeah p-day is on wednesday now, but look don´t send anything to this address here in Fuerteventura, one of our zone leaders is getting deported on wednesday back to the u.s. because of his papers. So we are going to Las Palmas on the Island of Gran Canaria to be with his comp so there won´t be missionaries here for at least 5 week.
Second thing is that I need to get the permission to drive, so I´m sending passport fotos with my driver´s license and some forms I have filled out, when you get it you need to go to "AAA" to get the international driving permision thing. You need to send it and my driver´s license and whatever else back to me as soon as you can cause the Zone leader who is staying is going home in 5 weeks at the end of the transfer and I´ll need to drive. I´m going to send you the branches of the cactus´s either today or tomorrow. haha
hasta luego
elder ross