Monday, August 2, 2010

July 26

~ The Plan de Salvacion is awesome, there´s a guy who has had the lessons from the missionaries for a long time who´s wife is a member and his mom just died so we´re going to teach him the plan de salvacion this week for sure. So the destroying angel of transfers passed by me and we are both here for at least another six weeks! I was so worried the whole last week just cause I hate saying good bye. But now I´m super happy, and it makes me want to work like a crazy to help this branch. So the office called three of the elders on the islands and told them to do the sruff to get your license so I don´t know why but I´ll have to send you everything in the mail I guess. It´s all good either way cause I got six weeks here to get it figured out. Today a sent an envelope full of melon seeds to you guys so you gotta plant them! thanks for everything keep it real and we´ll catch you on the flip side.
elder ross


Anonymous says:
August 10, 2010 at 8:51 PM

Hey Brian! Its Charley from Vegas. Glad to see everything is going well!