Monday, August 16, 2010

Aug 4th - Grand Canary Island

~ Elder Brian Ross
Eusebio Navarro 1,4-A
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

I´m in Las Palmas now with Elder Woodland, who has been my zone leader ever since my first area. He´s from England, and he´s done with the mission in 5 weeks. Elder Slack is with us, and at first he was going to stay with us but now he´s going to the other big island of Tenerife. He was going to be in a group of three, but now it´s only going to be him and an Elder from Spain who went to the mission field a month after Elder Slack, so Elder Slack will be the senior comp with two months in the mission. The two zones of Tenerife and Las Palmas are now combined into one so we have to do splits with the elders in Tenerife, and the elders here on Gran Canaria, and the two elders that are on the island Lanzarote. It was so sad leaving Fuerteventura, they are such good people, and it is such a cool island. I´m excited to be with Elder Woodland, and to get to know this island, but Fuerteventura was amazing. They were all really sad that the missionaries were leaving, we ran around like crazy saying goodbye to everyone and cleaning out the apartment. It was lucky that we lived just above the chapel cause we just took the missionary stuff down stairs and put it in the branch presidents office. Our investigators we left with our ward mission leader, and because he´s about to go on his own mission I think he may be able to help at least one get baptized. I sent you guys three packages full of these pads from these prickly pear cactus that give this super good fruit, I hope they get there at least one, I sent 9 of the pads wrapped in old shirts, and what you got to do is break up the dirt a little bit where you´re going to put them and then you could sprinkle a layer of good dirt over it and then you take the pads and bury them halfway into the ground sticking up, and then you water them like twice for the first month and once every month after that, and then they´ll grow. But you gotta plant them right when you get them, cause it takes like a year or two before they give fruit, and the fruit is sooo good. The adventure continues, elder ross